Monday, April 18, 2011

New Design

I think the biggest part agrees with me that CAGE needs a new look (when looking at the polls). 

 So i had some time and working a bit on CAGE and will show you some examples what CAGE might look like. 

I started working on CAGE 0.9.1 and i have to admit CAGE 0.9 with the look of 0.8 is working much better :). Currently rearranging the Generalsbar and if everythings works good I think i can make an update for CAGE with the new design.

Already lowered the memory usage by using more CSS and reducing new elements. I still have to rewrite some bigger parts (like the page loader). 

New Layout concept

This just a little draft so get an idea what it might look like. ;)
Stats and Tools will be shown in the top of the CAGE area. The CA-menubar will be replaced with the new from 0.9

Changed Navigation


  1. I like new menu bar ... please don't change option on assist and fill eliteguard

  2. I would keep the top menu bar... just make Facebook's stay on top (absolute position relative to screen) and move it below Facebook's... it's nice to be able to go anywhere from anywhere and not have to scroll up to do so...

  3. what about navbar on top together with fb-bar replace ca-nav with CAGE Tools?
