Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Chrome 1.1.0 sneak preview

I still need a bit time to resolve the last bugs, so be patient :)

btw. Firefox Add On needs more changes but will be pushed to 1.1 as soon as possible.


  1. Guild Battle screen fail.

  2. I have to say, I *really* don't like the new centered look...is there any way to add an option to put it back to what it was?

  3. 1.1.1 will have an option to let you choose to align it left or centered. I just forgot to finish it in time for this release :)

  4. Doesn't seem to be working that well. Really don't like the tiny general up there. Have you seen it without CAGE where your current generals items icons are next to your general? I liked the old button layout better. But still love CAGE :) and don't want to play without it.
