Thursday, December 15, 2011

CAGE - Chrome - Beta 1.1.0

CHG: A lot changes, think you already noticed
FIX: Even more of them!

The most changes are visible and hopefully working. Firefox version will be ready in one or two days, still some problems with it. 

Have fun and let me know if you like it (or not) and a few reviews on the Chrome Web Store would be nice ;) 


  1. Did we lose the army filler? I loved that particular feature! Other than that only complaint is that when using the quick demi feature, the window showing if you got the points or need to wait is the same color as the overlaid text making it impossible to read. Keep up the good work! Love this program!

  2. Never mind the army filler comment. Didn't realize I had clicked on a gift notification and CAGE didn't load completely. Once I refreshed the army filler was back.

  3. This sucks. The north gate is by itself higher than the others. The general on the FB bar is tiny. Things are not lined up properly so they overlap and it's just about impossible to read. CHANGE IT BACK!!!!!

  4. I agree, the guild battles page is really screwy. When first loaded it's all over the place, but once you hit, it's fine until you change gates. Then it's right back to screwy.

  5. this is how it looks to me, i really dont like this changes and bugs but i know that is just starting and like a beta still...thanks for the effort but you could put an option to choose between both styles or something like that, thanks a lot ^__^

  6. there are a screencapture of the demi selector:

    and there are other of the demi answer (unreadable):

    usuall when i start the page the general selector doesn´t work, i need to refresh 2 or 3 times to use it

  7. Please Click on "CAGE" in the facebook bar and try to choose a different theme (maybe default if changed). I removed a few themes as they broke design at some parts.

  8. @Pink Owl: can you show me a screenshot, just like xpectro_xp did? This could help me a bit.

  9. Guild battle will be fixed in 1.1.1. Anything else or I release next build :P

  10. I'm having a lot of problems with this version. Color choices make some things unreadable eg selecting active players in guild war.

  11. Changes on the way, just need a bit sleep :)

  12. works perfectly, and my fav theme looks even better. you deserve the sleep.

  13. I have to admit i'm not loving this new layout, I absolutely love CAGE but this is hard to manage, the Demi button doesn't show up nicely, I find the general quick link distorted as an overlay, and all the columns are out of line - would love to go back to the last versions layout.

  14. Can you post a screenshot? The demi stuff should work!?
