Sunday, May 27, 2012

CAGE is on vacation

Sorry to tell you I'm off for vacation for the next two weeks. So if the CA guys going to 'fix' something I can't provide you with a quick fix for the fix ;)

But I will come back well rested and ready for new evil things to do :D


  1. take a good rest! :)

    1. I'm sure he was not resting. I bet he was devising a plan to take over Castle Age and dominate. Own the developers in Game. You know he has to have 8000 energy and 4000 stamina. I assume that he is a "Uni" over level 1000 with a 10BSI and a 4000 effective attack (eAtt).

  2. Have a great time wherever you end up and whatever you do :)

  3. Have a good one!

  4. Genius!! I love this chrome thingy. I'm new to castle age tool things and I have to say, this makes it sooooo much easier to play the game. Thanks!!!
