Thursday, March 15, 2012

CAGE - Beta - 1.1.27 [UPDATE]

ADD Better handling for broken pages
ADD Battle news summary
FIX Sure i'd fixed something...

FIREFOX: Auto-update is still broken, so please update via the link in the list to your right.


  1. nice update for Battle news

    Don't forget to see my comment ,suggestion on my 1.1.26 post

    1. Will come, just needs a bit longer :)

    2. Glad to hear that ,Thanks!

  2. Got an update, very nice! thank you so much!

  3. Suggestion: Public Monster code in menu.
    Detail. Put Public monster code search box in somewhere of cage menu.
    After monster button is ok!

  4. what is up with needing to re-enable CAGE cos it is accessing facebook/HoD and 2 other websites plus tabs and browsing activity?

    1. Sorry, made some tests with CA:HoD and forgot to remove that. Will upload new version with fixed permissions.

  5. Battle News : My Conquest defensive victories show as losses

    1. Can you post the complete message of of a def. victory and an loss would be even better. Names can be blanked out.

    2. the CAGE Summary Panel: (I think I won 33 & lost 2)
      You were challenged 35 times, winning 3 and losing 32.
      You gained 6 experience points.
      You gained $345,000.
      You gained 26 Battle Points.
      You gained 0 War Points.
      You gained 0 Champion Points.

      Last attack: 13 minutes, 48 seconds ago
      Oldest attack: 20 hours, 19 minutes ago

      THE CA News Feed that corresponds to the CAGE Summary (I posted the oldest, latest and a sampling in between):

      13 minutes, 48 seconds ago:
      You were VICTORIOUS in a Conquest Battle against ∮ĸïɱpyǥïąŋŧ [dsc] {Ӈ}'s assault in a Conquest Battle taking 20 damage! Goto Conquest Battle!
      14 minutes, 13 seconds ago:
      You were VICTORIOUS in a Conquest Battle against ∮ĸïɱpyǥïąŋŧ [dsc] {Ӈ}'s assault in a Conquest Battle taking 247 damage! Goto Conquest Battle!
      53 minutes, 17 seconds ago:
      You were DEFEATED in a Conquest Battle against Cinzia's taking 150 damage! Goto Conquest Battle!
      1 hour, 12 minutes ago:
      *[DSC∈]* Joyce {Ӈ}{G} has performed the special action, Polymorph, on you! Goto Conquest Battle!
      1 hour, 17 minutes ago:
      You were VICTORIOUS in a Conquest Battle against ANGEL GIRL [DSC]'s assault in a Conquest Battle taking 280 damage! Goto Conquest Battle!
      1 hour, 17 minutes ago:
      You were VICTORIOUS in a Conquest Battle against ANGEL GIRL [DSC]'s assault in a Conquest Battle taking 285 damage! Goto Conquest Battle!
      1 hour, 17 minutes ago:
      You were VICTORIOUS in a Conquest Battle against ANGEL GIRL [DSC]'s assault in a Conquest Battle taking 273 damage! Goto Conquest Battle!
      1 hour, 17 minutes ago:
      You were VICTORIOUS in a Conquest Battle against ANGEL GIRL [DSC]'s assault in a Conquest Battle taking 250 damage! Goto Conquest Battle!
      1 hour, 18 minutes ago:
      You were VICTORIOUS in a Conquest Battle against ANGEL GIRL [DSC]'s assault in a Conquest Battle taking 289 damage! Goto Conquest Battle!
      1 hour, 18 minutes ago:
      You were VICTORIOUS in a Conquest Battle against ANGEL GIRL [DSC]'s assault in a Conquest Battle taking 267 damage! Goto Conquest Battle!
      1 hour, 18 minutes ago:
      You were VICTORIOUS in a Conquest Battle against ANGEL GIRL [DSC]'s assault in a Conquest Battle taking 263 damage! Goto Conquest Battle!
      1 hour, 18 minutes ago:
      You were VICTORIOUS in a Conquest Battle against ANGEL GIRL [DSC]'s assault in a Conquest Battle taking 272 damage! Goto Conquest Battle!
      1 hour, 22 minutes ago:
      You were VICTORIOUS in a Conquest Battle against David {NO MERCY}'s assault in a Conquest Battle taking 224 damage! Goto Conquest Battle!
      1 hour, 25 minutes ago:
      You were VICTORIOUS in a Conquest Battle against David {NO MERCY}'s assault in a Conquest Battle taking 226 damage! Goto Conquest Battle!
      2 hours, 10 minutes ago:
      Victory! You were challenged by Achilles
      You defeated your enemy, taking 2 damage and dealing 10 damage to your rival. You gained 2 experience points and $115,000. You have won 10 Battle Points!

      16 hours, 59 minutes ago:
      You were VICTORIOUS in a Conquest Battle against Art's assault in a Conquest Battle taking 257 damage! Goto Conquest Battle!
      20 hours, 19 minutes ago:
      You were VICTORIOUS in a Conquest Battle against Charlie's assault in a Conquest Battle taking 230 damage! Goto Conquest Battle!

    3. Thanks, gonna fix that with next release.

  6. Can't return gifts...just get the blue swirly ball

    1. Tried to reload the whole page? Often this is a problem between CA and FB.

  7. really wish I could hide the "battle news" or check a box in the settings so that it doesn't show up
