Tuesday, February 28, 2012

CAGE - Beta - 1.1.24

Finally brought back to live the Firefox add-on! There are still some issues but at least its working :)


  1. Just reinstalled it, seems to be working at the moment. It had somehow deleted itself from my laptop...???

    On both my laptop and my desktop however I get a "404 This is not the page you're looking for" message when I let it try to update to 1.1.24...My laptop had previously taken the update, but not that it's reinstalled it won't and the desktop never has.

  2. Have you tried the link from the Install page or from the links on right side?

    1. That worked...on the laptop at least. Won't know for a couple days about the desktop, but should be the same. Thanks! Keep up the good work! Now if I just had it for my 3rd account I use on IE...LOL

    2. You can use chrome with multiple profiles, even the extension are separated when using them. Just check the settings of Chrome there you can add profiles

  3. Some of monster (most is old one) has lose button Self assist. and easy assist copy.
    some list of monster that lose this button.
    2 Ragnaros
    3 Bahamut
    4 Hydra

    Since I am the one who suggest this feature .Now I am become sad panda to see it have problem . lol

    1. I can confirm this, not quiet sure where the problem is, but already trying to fix it.

      Hope panda now is happy :D

  4. In firefox, you can't change your general while using the link in the quest page and you don't see your general at the top of the main Castle Age page>
