Tuesday, November 29, 2011

CAGE - Chrome Extension - Beta 1.0.53+54

FIX: CSS stuff that brakes scrolling (1.0.54)
CHG: Language handling reworked
ADD: Self assist and easy way to copy assist link
ADD: Percentage to new guild monsters

New test version for Firefox [UPDATE]

Fixed a lot of stuff and now CAGE starts on Firefox without (to much) errors. Not all tools work as they should right now but that is just what I expected as some stuff uses Chrome specific stuff. 
Give it a try and download it from Github and give me some feedback how bad/well it runs for you.

[UPDATE] I just uploaded CAGE to the Firefox Add-on page. So you can install it from there and receive updates via auto update.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

First test version for firefox

I finally managed to get CAGE running on FF, still needs a lot of work but some stuff already works. 

You can give it try right here: Github FF Add ons

But remember, it is still early stage and might be slow and unstable.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

CAGE for Firefox?

Started working on the FF Addon some days ago, coming along good and will have it working in about a week (I hope). 

Thursday, November 24, 2011

CAGE - Chrome Extension - Beta 1.0.52

CHG: New Guild stuff added
CHG: Settings reworked
CHG: Some internal stuff optimized

A big thank you goes out to Ron S. for his donation! 

Friday, November 18, 2011

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Beta, Bugs and the Wishlist

As CAGE reached beta I renewed the bugs and wishlist page. Anything added there will be added to the github page and the comment will be deleted. That way it is easier for me to keep track of that stuff.

Finding and removing bugs is now my #1 priority, so no new features for some time. I will rework some stuff for sure (like moving all settings to the settings) but that's all.

Links to the bugs and the wishlist are added to link list on the right side.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

CAGE - Chrome Extension - Beta 1.0.50

CHG: CAGE is now in beta stage 
ADD: Quick Demi selector
ADD: XP/eng ratio at quests
CHG: Updated jQuery and jQuery-UI
CHG: Gift page reworked, no reloading when changing gift
FIX: Some minor CSS stuff

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

CAGE - Chrome Extension - Alpha 1.0.47+48

FIX: Possible fix for framing problem >> 2nd try with 1.0.48
FIX: Gifting not working
FIX: Health percentage for Defend the castle
ADD: Turn off all animations in settings

The framing fix is untested and just made by infos I received from users. Please let me know if it works for you.