Tuesday, September 20, 2011

CAGE - Chrome Extension - Alpha 1.0.35

FIX: Some problems with guild battle filters
FIX: Background image in guild battles
CHG: Monsterlist changed a bit


  1. Deathrune seiges now don't allow you to switch pages after the first attack.

  2. Just joined one and everything works fine. Can you tell me exactly what steps to take to reproduce that problem?

  3. Problem: when I click next, it doesn't switch to next, it just stays on the first page (written here so I only say it once).

    I find a low level to invade (sometimes on first page, sometimes not), invade one or more times, then problem usually happens as I try to go to find another low level to invade.

    Another way that happened on me is to attack a few, then click heal. Then the problem happens

    I have disabled FFixer and don't have any other scripts that change Facebook html... (I didn't disable flashblock and webcomic reader. I don't see those as being part of the problem). I am running Chrome on Windows 7.

  4. Thanks, had the same problems once but can't find the problem right now. Still looking into it.
