Tuesday, September 13, 2011

CAGE - Chrome Extension - Alpha 1.0.31

ADD: Some info to monster battle results
FIX: Added percentage for Thanatos
ADD: Static Results, no scrolling on result add/change (eg Quests)


  1. I don't really like having to close the monster results window after every attack or heal. I don't not always attack with the same stamina and like to change generals (Zen or Barbarus) sometimes between attacks and the new window makes that harder.

  2. I will add some setting soon, where you can turn this on/off. When Changing Generals you don't have to close the result, just change the general and click attack again.

  3. the battle results really gets in the way during guild battles when you a trying to whirlwind. great for attacking but not using your special abilities.

  4. Selecting Hero window should at the top. Above the static result window. Thanks CAGE. You're amazing.

  5. Thanks, changed and will be in the next update.

  6. I am with the first comment... having the attack on Monsters or on Guild battles in a window that covers a lot of the information on the page you are on, this is not helping much. But everything else has been fantastic... Cannot believe how (up until this change) you have SO improved the game. Will probably disable Cage for a bit until this thing get fixed as it really makes it so I cannot play.

  7. OK put it in the wish list, but I don't think it's a bad feature. Would like to see it in a heads up box just below the side bar menu. And on monster cut and paste the text into the chat log instant mini assister

  8. New static results will be turned off till settings are available. Thank you all for the feedback :)
